To Find God

By Robert Herrick

Photo by Frank Cone

Weigh me the fire; or canst thou find

A way to measure out the wind?

Distinguish all those floods that are

Mixed in that wat’ry theater,

And taste thou them as saltless there,

As in their channel first they were. 

By Johannes Plenio

Tell me the people that do keep

Within the kingdoms of the deep;

Or fetch me back that cloud again,

Beshivered into seeds of rain.

By Elia Ă‡oçja

Tell me the motes, dust, sands, and spears

Of corn, when summer shakes his ears;

Show me that world of stars, and whence

They noiseless spill their influence.

By Yuting Gao

This if thou canst; then show me Him

That rides the glorious cherubim.

By Italo Melo

To Find God 

By Robert Herrick


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